for your rising sign…
Your everyday life is ringing with synchronicities, an extra holy spirit. Even sitting on the toilet feels sacred. Sometimes our psyche laughs at us, a magician winking in the dark. Trust that you have the power to pull from these invisible wonders, like a rabbit from a hat. Trust that you can listen to these hunches, trust your body just knows. Whether it’s keeping a dream diary, finding the right therapist or setting an altar on fire - the irrational parts of you are ready to gain cohesion and hop out. We lure Santa Claus by putting out a plate of cookies -- this full moon asks you to lay out some material rituals that can help attract your less visible, extra-ordinary powers.
The jewels of your ambition are taking shape. Like a clam to a pearl, usual irritants have been coated into a lustrous form. Whether it’s losing a job that didn’t speak to you anymore, or gaining a job that inspires your growth. Yet, to do your sacred work, demands a sacred center. This full moon asks you to choose your favorite chair in the house, sink yourself in, settle into your deeper emotional needs (a source of food, milk, medicine). When building a sand castle, to achieve altitude - one must first dig a serious hole. Scoop into the tender parts. Pack and shape the base of who you are, collecting family members, land you’ve lived on, lessons of comfort and security - so that your highest career aspirations can achieve their tallest elements.
Let us rejoice in the benefits you receive when other people's “stuff” boosts your bandwidth. Whether it's a couch to sleep on or a huge inheritance. Let us rejoice in the secret benefits you get from your ancestors. The funny gene, the creative eye, strong teeth. You are co-creating, co-consuming at a rapid rate and so this full moon is a moment to pause and define your terms. Sometimes the funny gene is secretly a defense mechanism, sometimes a small fave from a friend leaves a looming I.O.U. Boundaries can be a creative opportunity, a canvas to paint. Do your best to only take and give the colors of your deeper values. Let all the intertwining with others become a distinct portrait of yourself.
Time is a puddle. Like being at sea, we feel the rocking of the tides, the rocking of our moods deciding when to send an email, when to sweep the kitchen floor. In many ways, you are learning your natural rhythm. The full moon asks: when is your brain really “ON?” ...notice how your greatest ideas come to you, and what conditions are necessary to pull from these heightened moments of creativity and clarity. Would you hand your to-do list to someone that you love ? Make space to discover the movement of your muses. Build on that. Don’t force it. How do you actually work? What’s your style ? A loving to-do list is concise and achievable, a loving to-do list is one you actually love doing, a list that loves you doing it. Let your big wall calendar become a sturdy raft.
You were once small enough to fit inside a kitchen sink. A little contained “savasana.'' Like a sponge, you grow there. Arms out the windows, forehead in the attic. From this vantage point, you take in the undertones of your private life. There is a nostalgic wisdom at the center of yourself right now, a home base that helps you go back, all the way back, you cute little kid, you wise tiny buddha. As you stretch the boundaries of your inner world, little representations of it will spill out onto the front yard. Bystanders will stop and look, their dogs will sniff at it, tourists will begin to gather. Birds sing, horns blow as you emerge from your palace. Believe that the world will welcome you, for who you have grown to be, for who you cannot help but be.
Our society assumes that to be taken seriously one must clean a big house, feed a child, get famous. But you of all people know, you can't take a cool car with you to the grave. Sure, rent is due. Sure, money has supremacy in this world. But what other dreams of stability are possible ? This full moon is a bit of a memento mori, a reminder that your wealth, possessions, abilities, achievements are only a small piece of all that you are. What is really worth it in the end ? Take a beat to see beyond embodiment and recognize the miracle of matter. Let this clear the bullshit. Let adulthood be a measure of how much you taste your food, how much warm eye contact you hold with others. How might you center your value-system around a more magical relationship to existence ?
Nothing tops friend-love. Unoppressive clinging, crawling, slobbering jokes and secrets, followed by the free simplicity of returning to yourself. Friend-love is a wholehearted participation in happiness...because the purpose of friendship is just to love each other, and love is always an inside job. When we love, we are the ones who get to feel that music course through our own body -- it is only a conceptual wind to the objects of our affection. Understanding who your friends are is to understand your own capacity to want love moving through your own body, without fear, without force. Go towards those who give you the freedom to cycle back to yourself.
Like the “zonk” of a spaceship door sliding open into the silence of a galaxy-sized nothing, you take a leap into the poetry of a giant zero. You have been learning at a rapid rate and this universe of influence is ever-expanding. The way you see the world is a gateway drug for others, a door to more galaxies. This full moon asks you to crop down this wide angle into teachable pieces, sounds, symbols, marks on a page. Take your time to define your wisdom. Trust that any words that fall short of an explanation, can be completed by way of an unobstructed heart. Like spraying perfume on a love letter -- let your interpretations puff and settle, let yourself speak from the level of the heart.
All people want is attention - to be loved, to feel they are the star in their own movie...and you, the eager audience. The maw of your receptivity is forming a relationship magnet, people gravitate around your listening skills. Yet, true intimacy perceives you back. True intimacy stops talking about itself and asks questions, each player thoughtfully holding the cat’s cradle to pull at each other's complexities. This full moon asks you to notice where you're getting drunk off of any one-sided generosity, to notice where your empathic powers become passive people pleasing...or when your secret desire to be taken care of becomes extractive. Assert your space. Be in contact with those who you grow big with, who stretch you out further than you have before in the ways that make sense to both of you, in ways that match your power.
The contractions of a grand gesture are becoming more frequent. Ripe with creativity, the world is ready to see what you’re really good at…the parts of you that cannot be replicated by another. Yet, though this work is so YOU, its gravitational pull depends on the counter-weight of its audience. In the end, nothing is more important to your self-expression than your community. The opposite of community is anonymity - which keeps you hidden and holds no one accountable. Community asks us: Can I trust you? Do you care? Can I rely on you? With this full moon, consider how your big magic is cultivating this bond within your circle. Sing your song with the birds, let them dart around your hair, let them cross your heart to tie off a bow. How can you bring out the joy of other peoples skills, how can your glamour be a community effort ?
Intense concentration, problem solving, relaxation, auto-pilot, sleep -- all these mental states are linked to a certain brain wave. Gamma when we are learning, Alpha when we are recharging. We do it all the time by mistake -- an EEG of your brain watching TV is swooning in a twilight halfway through second season. Sometimes spacing out is the most productive thing to do -- yet, there is a difference between consciously going unconscious vs. unconsciously going unconscious. This full moon asks you to give your mind a little direction. If you’re going to doom scroll, at least make that deal with yourself consciously - maybe even set an alarm, maybe even scream out loud to no one, “out to lunch!" It’s less important what it is you’re doing, and more important to build trust with yourself around its terms. Show yourself you are paying attention. Decide what wave you are wanting to catch and what techniques can keep you above water.
Like a shiny floating bubble about to pop, your walls are thin, reflecting the impressions around it. Often, this is a lonely inner vault overwhelmed by the unexplainable nature of existence. Yet, let the present moment be a force of protection. Every single thing we see... do…and learn, re-arranges us. No need to resist the co-consumption of life, it is autonomous and bewitching. Yet, we are not passive viewers - in time, you will never be compelled to be what you are not. Trust that whatever is false, whatever is not worth it...will never access or permeate your heart. This full moon asks you to notice: who and what is worth being re-arranged by ? Take the world in, watch, listen and when it is time, where it is necessary, you will simply reject what is not you.