hello friends, the libra moon is growing full. is intense, filled with longing, filled with extreme attempts to find center, to seal the deal, to link karma...shaking hands both binds us and opens the possibility for betrayal. In aspect to Pluto, how might we find balance amidst extremes ? As we breathe in the perfume vapors of Venus in Pisces, we may come to realize that interpersonal harmony has an ever-moving sway. Let the gyroscope of your heart speak on a multiple axis. Let us learn how to love deeply without clinging to any one outcome.
If someone’s eyes aren’t an entryway into a portal, avert them. If someone’s heart isn’t a bridge to cross into the jungle of yourself, burn it. If the deprivation tank of your psyche is getting too salty, no need to hold it in your mouth, no need to make that face. Instead, bring it to the ocean - let the salt rock dissolve and spread, let it help you float. Go belly up within the deepest parts of yourself, watch clouds pass by: one will look like a dog, another a blob. True love is one that swims out to you, drifts next to you, points up and says “doesn’t that one looks like a blob?”
In the same way the universe was born…something sits in the dark and heats up. The dark is hot for itself and out of this desire, a new life is born (a gajillion rays). Your creative urges beg to be followed, they are building a new world...and even if some of that world crawls off, goes nowhere - sharing your skills is worth it. Someone somewhere needs to know you are out there doing what you do, in order to know they can do it, too. A universe is born out of the boom of a high-five. Let your enthusiasm spread joy to others, let self-expression be enough.
No matter how much we believe in what we are doing, no matter how passionate we are about our projects - much of life is to persuade others to also believe in it. We flirt with their expectations and explain what could be with the right resources. We reel them into our little world with the mere power of hypothetical storytelling & references. Yet ironically, to translate our unique ideas to others we have to learn how to speak their language. Proof of concept is often the art of mirroring, of active listening to another's viewpoint so as to conjure a shared vocabulary. Let the middle of two minds strengthen your little world.
Tight jeans, lasers, lotions, gender roles that tingle and burn - the lengths some of us go for beauty. Whether it’s plucking a hair or hovering for hours over a drawing table...the muses have an effect on our body and mental health. When is it that we get so fixated on how a thing looks, that we lose touch with our well-being? Who is your beauty for ? Let it look back at you, let it define its own standards - your beauty is more than aesthetic effect but an expression of your one and only body and what feels good to it. Beneath the glitz and glam, is a unique creature ready to unbuckle a belt.
We all crave each other - we all ask around for our mother. We all cast friends and lovers inside old family fairytales. Witches, princes, siblings lost in the woods…forest animals approach us and then scatter when we lean in. Love replicates itself. Love learns a pattern, often paranoid, profound. Often too many things to be contained. Let yourself gather a group of characters who constellate all your complexes - let them circle around you, cheer and boo in a fractal of representatives. Love is not bound by time, love is always waiting to be resolved - the present dream is an entryway to heal the reality of the past.
The poor see money as luck (lotto), the middle class see money as hard work (bootstraps), the rich see money as investments (stocks). Lately, you may be recognizing where you fall on this stupid spectrum. All this shit is made up...yet made up shit has real effects. The game of life dangles jewels - a cute sound happens when you jump and grab it. All it takes is two people deciding that something totally made up is real - and entire cultures are born, resources are distributed. Take the composition of your logic seriously, where are you lying to yourself? What beliefs actually align to your values and which one's are just peer pressure that makes a cute sound.
Slowly your index finger tries to reach your nose, yet you are met by friends with fast reflexes. Whoever touches their nose last, must do the task, must take one for the team. Sometimes the chore chart does not spin in our favor...yet, the eco-system of care calls your name. We sweep the floor mindfully and we accumulate merit. We don’t grab a broom out of peer pressure to be good or do the right thing. Whatever it is, true community tilts your tasks towards mutual pleasure. Your labor is a shrine built around the soul of your friend-circle.
Trying to remember the moment when we realize there is more world than the city we grew up in. More people than the family we grew up in. More versions of ourselves beyond creature comforts. Some people never leave, or…only know how to leave. And you ? Where do you grow your garden ? What pollen do you need to breathe in, what temperature does your skin like to drink ? How cool would it be to show up to a place where you know no one. How cool would it be to start wearing only fake leather, hair gel, boot re-decide how to be yourself to new friends, new flowers. What kind of place is able to keep up with who you are becoming ? Geography is powerfully linked to the psyche.
You are slurping connections up through a crazy straw, variegated and vast - like oil caught in the glare of the sun, a rainbow forms. Other people are so pretty. Other people are so somewhere in the sky. We walk towards the rainbow, wondering if it's possible to grasp its real source. What we hope is real has more information than biting on a coin. If you're going to follow your phantoms off into a sunset kiss, be sure to keep one foot planted. Be sure to know what really matters. Like a bag of colored candies, decide your hierarchy of value & needs (eat the yellows first, save the greens for last). Get real with your preferences so that fantasy can bend beautifully around it.
As you read this, the universe fluxes around you. Cells in your body are turning over, someone in the next room sends a terrible email, dust is settling on your floor…the cat breathes it in while businesses are failing, relationships are breaking, revolutions are happening. Some say the universe is slowly entropying towards chaos - yet, you of all people see the order in this dream-like phenomenon. You of all people, invoke the larger self, seeing the march towards collapse as a creative opportunity. You primordial divine person. You one big harmonic vibration. Creative blocks are only a sign that we are scared to destroy something.
Ah ha, the cruel and all too common question asked by many wicked strangers: “so… what do you do ?” ...while a discordant violin starts playing, while your entire life washes over your pale face…as one eye gets tiny and one eye gets huge, twitching overwhelmed by all that you have experienced, all the multiplicity in one eyelash from one context to another...and everyone you’ve ever loved and everyone who has ever influenced you and every epic story of god breathing into your mouth… all painfully collapsed into a 10 second …”uhhh, I’m an actor, but”...or “i make coffee, but..” It’s okay, let it burn. Let yourself be simplified in an aesthetically pleasing door bell. A glowing access point - the right ones won’t ditch.
We think the intensity of unconditional love lives in the land of “you do you,” but it actually resides in the U-turn. You are coming to terms with your own autonomy, that you don’t need any one person to make you feel a certain way about yourself. Love is an inside job. Love is your own capacity to tolerate paradox, tolerate inconsistency, tolerate weird quirks and personality flaws because you accept them in yourself. As you build personal affection, you build a new level of coherence and confidence within your interpersonal mix ups - a place where you take things less personally, a place that emanates from your own private “you do you.”