Our brains are built to mirror. We've all caught ourselves believing we want something that we discovered on our own, but is actually the subtle mimicry of the desires of everyone around us. Community is an essential source of belonging, this bond is essential. Yet, sometimes community can give us models of *wanting* that don't speak to our deeper desires. This full moon is an invitation to go against the crowd and remember your unique style. The standard norms of your community need your personal touch, need you to go beyond the rigidity of approval, beyond what's realistic, sane or likable. Your people will not remember you for how well you conform. Your legacy is written in fire, spelling out your greatest joy. Follow the flashing lights of your true inspiration, we need your way of wanting.
Our memory is delightfully imperfect. We choose a belief system and then find proof for it everywhere we look. From seeing the number 9 all around town, to collecting evidence for what a "failure" we are. We all have blinders or mental shortcuts to help simplify the incredibly complex world we live in. This full moon asks: make your biases explicit and intentional. How we tell our story, what we choose to pay attention to, is how we heal. How we tell our story shapes our reality and helps us endure life (and life is intense). So choose a story where the hero is nurtured and sustains itself. Choose a bias that helps you remain buoyant, not resistant. Boundaries with other people are essential, but more important are the boundaries we set with our own mind.
Now that we live our life online, our eyes are the most important sex organ -- ‘being seen’ has taken over almost all other dimensions of affection. We all work so hard to be seen and desired (there is power in being desired). But when does it become maladaptive ? When does it distract you from living a meaningful life outside the personal brand? This full moon asks: Is this who I really am ? What does a well-managed expression of myself look like ? You emit so much moxie - everyone is going to want a piece of you. Decide what version of yourself you're willing to circulate, and remember: what the eye sees is only theater ! The eye cannot smell or taste, the eye cannot give you a hug, it omits many other parts of the body and thus will never make up for true intimacy.
Your qualities are not shaped in a void…you are not meant to be behind glass. Visitors need to walk around you, witness you, in all its banalities, processes of thought and color. In an almost imperceptible way, when we show others the full passion of what we hunger for, we nudge them towards their own desires. Our own way of *wanting* inspires others to want more, less or differently than us. Like all the public statue’s that tourists rub - when you stand confidently, stoically in all your prominent characteristics - you bring good luck, you bring hope, you establish the shape of one another. Go on, do the thing you were meant to do, give the full gift of yourself to your community.
When we really come to know a thing, we forget we were once confused students of it. It’s nice to sit on the laurels of your wisdom and bask in your ability to see it all - but to be a good teacher, one must let themselves be a confused student again. Teaching is to shatter the solid shape of “knowing” into digestible parts so that others can walk through it. Teaching is ego-annihilating. Being a wise person is to flay yourself open, to surrender your mind to students who will imitate you, who will forget to cite you, who will reshape your genius into their genius. Being a wise person is to share your knowledge through silence, so that the student can find their own answers. This moon asks you to find the courage to take on this duty - to be proud of all you know as if it's not yours at all.
Like the Capulets and Montagues in Romeo and Juliet - people are more prone to fight with each when they are similar. Rivalries can be a healthy form of competition, innovation and advancement. Competition can push our growth edges to places we would never let ourselves desire. Yet, when we’re up late at night hovering over an existential chess board, we are rivals to ourselves. It is a false belief that other people have something better that we don’t have, and that there isn’t room for fulfillment from both sides. With Jupiter in your second house, this is not your year for scarcity thinking. This full moon asks: how can your desires be united (not threatened) by another’s ? How can you be in mutual abundance with each other ? It's time to affirm your allies, it's time to go further together than you ever could alone.
You have been redefining yourself for a while now, tilting your public persona to catch more light. Yet, this full moon asks you to inform your next public leap forward by stepping back into the private shadows. Take a moment to recharge the behind the scenes battery, quietly boost your pizazz. Like the boldness of a kid performing for their parents in the middle of the living room - go to the parts of your childhood where it was safe to emit big energy: untamed boldness, passion. With the professional realm feeling like a wilderness challenge, how can we keep the campfire of your private kingdom blazing ? Protect that hidden flame. Approval, wealth, fame - none of these are absolute. The only safest thing is your inner joy.
Because our phones are mini slot-machines, modern life is to constantly stumble into needs and desires we didn't know we had. The point of the market is to create desire, to put a toothsome lady next to a car. Often this is most effective when the desire that’s being created is just out of touch, where the urge for something ‘out there’ to make us happier, more attractive holds our libido hostage. But what if the car is just a pile of metal parts ? What if no object, no amount of money makes up for the wealth in your heart ? When we can’t find our way to personal wholeness, we can get attracted to proxies of it. Where are you letting the external world behave as a proxy for finding pleasure within yourself? Let us accumulate some arrogance around our own worthiness, as it is, without the external frills.
Many people stop themselves from doing big, visible things because they believe being the center of attention or “putting yourself out there” is selfish. This is a misunderstanding. With this full moon in your 12th house of subconscious mind, we reckon with any ego-complexes, places where we keep ourselves hidden for fear of being too much (ie: not enough). Yet, insecurity is a much more self-absorbed state. When we are worried about how people perceive us, we are constantly thinking about ourselves. When we ruminate about how we are coming off, there’s almost no room in your head for noticing others. When we truly love ourselves, we look out into the world, we don’t think about ourselves that much at all. This moon is asking you to release the hidden guilt of being seen. Decide now, that you are willing to be findable and that your visibility is a service to others.
Realizing what we want out of life (what life wants from us) takes time. Like cutting a diamond, we create a prism of only that which flashes joy in our hearts. This jewel of our most satisfied self isn’t something that happens today or tomorrow but is a patina that lusters towards eternity. To keep this jewel hidden, waiting for it to be set, denies ourselves and others essential parts of our creative process. Our self expression needs exposure in order to know what part of the diamonds surfaces must be cleaved off next. There is no end-all-be-all to your success, there is no place where your creativity drops off a cliff or run out. Learn to love the parts of you that are an acquired taste, let your skills age into the world like a fine wine. Trust that your libido has lifetimes inside of it. Trust that every passing impulse is a gesture towards forever.
Whether it’s paying for your friend's drink or your child’s college education, sharing one’s wealth is sometimes a burden, or other times a self-affirming joy. Sometimes we think we give things away because we are selfless or want other people to feel good. But what are the hidden reasons behind your generosity ? A truly selfless act is almost impossible, even if it's to think “I am a selfless person.” This full moon asks you to embrace the ways you secretly enjoy getting mixed up in other people’s needs. You may assume someone is always trying to get something out of you, but what is your secret reward system? What does a lack of boundaries around your energy, time and resources allow you to think about yourself ? Whether it's to feel like a victim or a saint, there is no right or wrong way to share, just be honest with your reasons why.
Bathe, walk outside, settle into work with whiskey and soda. Eat lunch, work, nap, another bath. Routine matters, steady repetition induces flow. Choose your routine wisely, choose it like you choose your hairstyle, choose it like you choose your friends. The way you organize your time defines who you are. Whether you thrive in a 9-5 or make your best work after dinner. When done regularly enough, your brain will crave actions at certain times of day. When done regularly enough, your actions start to crave your brain - and the work you’re meant to do, gets fed. This full moon asks: what day-to-day use of time and energy makes you feel most like yourself ? How you eat, how you hydrate is a fractal of other ways you consume life. Loud public displays are no different from sweeping the kitchen floor. Settle into the sacredness of your little self-preserving tasks.