The Aries Moon is growing full...
officially, Sept 29 at 2:57am Pacific - 6º Aries
This moon serves as a final bold statement to our recent Venus Retrograde summer. We've been developing a more sovereign version of ourselves since July - and may be ready now to close the final chapter and cut loose from our old ways. Yet, the direction forward may feel more complicated than a straight shooting Aries moon would like to be...
Aries wants to be decisive and do what it wants - yet with Mars in Libra, we may feel shy to step on anyones toes. We could want to take a risk and pursue a personal goal, but find ourselves moving towards it in a roundabout way in order to keep the peace with others. This tension may take us to a breaking is in this conundrum that we could discover deeper nuances of what we *really* want vs. what is just a passive people pleasing dance.
My advice here is not to muscle through anything, but focus on releasing fears of disappointing others. When that is taken off the table, what priorities start to shift ? With Mars on the south node, a sort of tactful yielding may be the way the win - try asserting yourself with grace, not force by removing your energy from things that don't light you up. Get behind what is true for you and eliminate the rest, the bravest thing for this full moon is to let go and make space...even if it is just a temporary time to walk away and gain clarity - with Mercury opposite Neptune all weekend, it may take more than one convo to communicate a logical way forward.
Rest assured, with eclipse season around the corner, and Mars entering Scorpio Oct 12, whatever you are emptying out now - will get filled by a dynamic Fall season.
A quick and easy way to decide what relationships are worth maintaining and what may be holding you back is to ask a simple question: does this person play like me ? Having a shared language of fun often dictates the difference between collaborator or acquaintance. What would it be like to make this a requirement, to prioritize creative sensibilities, who’s silly thing can directly respond and expand on your silly thing. Life’s too short to not look into the eyes of another maniac.
Almost everything we are feeling has been felt by some other human somewhere throughout history and into the future. When talking about yourself and your skills and triumphs : your work in the world is a human experience. Your grief and joy is a human experience. Your insecurities, yearnings, sense of isolation are as human as spit and piss and you are never alone in that suffering. Your life is woven into the weight of history and the hope of the future, and zigzags everywhere else - the agency you have is to fold the human condition into your path.
Much of our culture depends on false-knowing, a Mr. Potato head switching noses. We are taught to brag about what we ordered on the menu but never even taste the food - might as well be made of plastic. It is time to go deeper with your direct experiences, and all the nuances of your truth. The task here is to relinquish any attachment to talking about things "you know" that are not yet integrated into your body. Until knowledge becomes felt sensation, beyond words...your wisdom will go hungry - it has not digested the food.
The hardest part about personal growth is waiting for others to catch grieve their previous expectations of you. The metric of a good relationship is how much permission we can give each other to become new variations of ourselves - even if it compromises the relationship security. How might we be excited for each other when something out of ordinary lights us up and wants to be made into a new reality ? How might we prioritize someone else's need to become themselves over the safe feelings of predictability - how might we love each other's change ?
There are two types of people: those who see interruptions as garbage or background noise and those who make music out of it. I invite you to see other peoples distractions as a creative necessity. Accidents have their own intelligence. Your task is to respond to whatever happens in the weirdo way you do, to bump into the edges of things that you did not expect as if your next move depends on it. Give yourself completely over to life, notice the gems of "wasted time" as if mistakes are meant to be woven into the design of things.
You really only have to know half of what you think you wanna say to the world - and the rest, is for the world to find the words. As an old mentor once said “I don’t want to be around someone who puts in 100% effort, that person is a control freak.” We have to leave some parts of our personal opinions loose in a field of happenstance. Most of what we say should be questions. Only through our letting go of control, of letting curiosity destabilize the outcome, do we give shape to the fullness of what the world happens to be.
We never really celebrate the French exit - of vanishing from parties without saying goodbye. I suppose we want to take care of each other, to soften the pain of an attachment break, but sometimes “Hey I'm heading out” feels exhausting when your social tank is low. Let us all make it okay for anyone to leave when they need to leave, with no cordial loosening of the bond or fist bump. Sometimes, we just need to slip away and not make it mean anything.
Some prefer to work from gives them more time, more carpet, more comfortable pants, lets them pee and play music whenever they want. Yet, there are others who struggle between bed and desk. Beyond convenience and comfort, the real question is: what environment helps me get my sh*t done ? There is often a misconception around willpower, that we must access it to create change - when really, “white-knuckling” through a distracting environment that is in conflict with your goals, is just a waste of energy. Make it easier on yourself to succeed - open a window, move around furniture, move out all together - alter your environment to support your goals.
If money was a person and I was its girlfriend, I would be a terrible lover. I am either anxiously suffocating it in fear or neglecting it with anti-capitalist fury. If I am not able to treat money right…why would money come around ? I ask you here to experiment with your attachment style to this powerful, dirty, beautiful and complicated entity, to take it as seriously as you would with any partner who you want to build a life with. It may help to personify money, a swoopy cartoon or a hunky daimon - it may help to build a budget sheet altar, give it compliments, ask it how it's feeling - whatever helps you learn to love with a free heart.
People who flake or cancel plans at the last minute really get a bad rep. RUDE ! There’s all kinds of ways to take it personally, to feel like they wasted your time or don’t care - and sure in some instances its a red flag - but more often than not, we are creatures of moods and energy levels. More often than not, the mood we are in when we make a plan is not symmetrical to the one an hour before the plan. As we know, things aren't so black and white - sometimes we have to let go of X to get Y, and other times its more complex and we are somewhere weird in the middle of the alphabet.
Your ancestors are probably not mad - that you get to travel sometimes, have a career, have sex with whoever you want, use a laundry machine instead of a river. Yah reality as we know is disintegrating, but most of us on this side of the world get to live lives our lineage could not have dreamed was possible. Feel yourself in this modern context that also holds the timeless fury of your family spark. All those people in past and future who have your hair and hip alignment - yet with less time to post photos of their food. May you carry the integrity of the torch into the weird privileges of this moment.
Sometimes what we do for money has nothing to do with who we are. Sometimes you gotta wash dishes and keep quiet about an art practice, a research hole, or obsession with astrology :)) It's a serious privilege to have a gig that matches your face. Some prefer to compartmentalize - but let us imagine closing the gap...between what you love doing and survival. Close the gap between your labor and your joy. It may start in small ways of asserting your personal values at work, naming your price or vacation time. It may be a big leap to another role or acts of personal opinions where you'd usually stay quiet...find a way to feed your life by being YOU.