The Aquarius Moon is growing full...
officially, August 1st at 11:31am Pacific - 9º Aquarius
With Venus in the thick of its retrograde cycle and getting less and less visible in the sky, we are getting more and more up close with ourselves...the camera lens tightening its frame...sharpening its focus around a fiery love affair with our personal values, needs and cravings. In contrast, an Aquarius moon see's things from a less passionate view...hovering outside the frame so that it can perceive clearly what cameras are operating the show. Aquarius knows: in order to topple the status quo, you have to get an objective look at it, have to peel yourself off the immersive movie screen and watch life from a depersonalized seat in the theater. From this perspective, we can sort out the truth and make some edits.
All in all, I see this as an opportunity for memory re-consolidation. As Venus retrograde rewinds the tape deck of relationship flashbacks and past habits, this moon offers the detached wherewithal to press stop and tape over old footage. Supported by the specificity of Mercury with Saturn and the power of Mars with Jupiter, take initiative to move things around on your timeline - pause, rewind and record a new neuro-network, tune into a more authentic version of yourself and press play.
Esther Perel says sex drive dwindles after people have kids because to relax and open the body, one must not feel the pressure of having to caretake. This is why love affairs rock - there’s nothing to take care of, if only each others kinks and ego-compliments. Notice the buzz kill of wondering if someone is “doing okay” - where the pressure to be of service, to take care of something within an agenda is tightening your body, making you think unsexy thoughts. How might you separate responsibility and pleasure and thoughtfully tilt the tuning fork towards the kind of creative energy that helps you feel alive.
How I’d love to be an artist who doesn’t have a bio, doesn’t have to explain anything about why I do what I do or what it all means. Yet, at some point, something has to be translated - at some point we have to explain to the world some version of ourselves…and at some point, if we don’t - they’ll do it for us. Might as well have some fun - might as well be a ghost crouching in the rafters of your own funeral, dreaming about all the ways you'd like be talked about. Or tell your story from a spaceship, a barfing pile of chatGPT or a field of daisies - and then go walk out into it, exercise autonomy for your own tale.
A good way to test your confidence is to notice what happens to your nervous system when someone gives you a compliment. All kinds of things can surface when suddenly someone sees the art gallery of who you are. One response is to deflect, which isn’t bad or good, it’s just information that a gallery door is jammed. Other times, the doors are flung open, too eager for anyone off the street to come on in for us to be okay. How might we build a level of admiration and comfort within ourselves that doesn't flinch for onlookers, where hearing a compliment feels completely neutral because, well of course you’re special - you already know that.
Sometimes all it takes to live your truth is to be a little uncomfortable. The discomfort of saying no, of naming your price, of not being liked. Everyone who has ever lived and will ever live has had someone, somewhere say something bad about them. Even the most beloved saint, even dogs and babies, someone out there hates them. No one gets away from the leg cramp of not being liked. Rejoice in this, rejoice in being a total turn off, in disappointing people. Wake up your enemy’s relationship to themselves and their triggers - the more and more you live your truth, the deeper the healing of your haters.
Before astrology was cool and I was in the astro-closet, I would apply to art galleries and teaching jobs describing what I do as “personality analysis” - desperate to grasp at the straws of the rational art and academia gods. Most of us, in whatever industry, are forced to bend our truth for survival and learn a language that's not ours. And then other times, you gotta risk just saying what things are. "Hello astrology is real, hello you're eyes are the earth around the sun..." Let the dumb dumbs gatekeep as you keep your integrity... it's worth all the side eye in the world to be who you are in the way you want to talk about it.
All relationships are a punk band. Everyone on stage is an agent of chaos and an amateur at best. Make it easy on yourselves: wear leather, pinch a nipple, decide who is playing what instrument. Let one of you hit the erotic drum, reminding the relationship that it likes to touch, that no matter what real life bills to pay or dinner to scrounge - someone in the room is responsible for pleasure and keeping the beat of caressing. No need to worry the cat won’t get fed because one of you hits that chord too, stirs the oatmeal, opens the mail while combing back a mohawk. When sexiness and hard work are in rhythm, heads thrash with joy, cats crowd surf, the band stays together.
How is it that we start out as pure light baby buddah's and then one day we look in the mirror and realize the image we see is not just me but the "me" that everyone else sees and start to freakk outt. Yes, not everyone struggles with this complex meta self-awareness, or perhaps we all have various levels of tolerance for worrying about what others are looking at. Wherever you are in the meta mirror spectrum, notice where it trips you up...try to start seeing through the looking glass of outside opinions with the wide open space of a fearless smile.
The future of fashion will be to hide your body under a garish parade float, make everything mysteriously round - replace t-shirts and pants with paper mache and hard angles, we have no idea what creature is there...what waist size even means. Construct a framework that can withstand all the jostling and whistling of the wind as it cruises along, covered in flowers, natural materials, leaves, bark, seeds. Imagine you, sitting safely inside, hearing all the oohhhhss and ahhhhs of your onlookers. Imagine this type of joy, of having chosen the parts of you that get to be big and on display and the parts that get to quietly wave.
To fight the good fight you gotta feast on quiet days with yourself, showing up for small devotions and then even deeper more. To fight the good fight, you give all your horny energy to the angels, "heaven's floor creaks with the weight of them all" when your head hits the ceiling, you hit their floor and they hear the knock. It doesn’t have to be a any complex ritual, any expecto patronum no, all you got to do is settle somewhere in your heart and ask “this is where I think I want to go, will you help me ?” and then you wait to be initiated or wait for them to show you what you really meant to ask.
People are pummeling into your life like a bowling alley. Sure, you might find some pins getting stuck in the gutter, a delay in the ball return rack - but this is a good problem - to discern which wins are worth adding up and which pins are too out of alignment with your lane. Who do you want to give your swing to ? Who's eyes get wide with celebration when you turn around from a strike ? Hold your friends and lovers in your palm, do they fit ? What is the right weight, right core for your hook and what night do you play on? You've worked long and hard to build these skills - its time you keep score.
Skeletons are ubiquitous, all over the place. Mummies are a great source of information too. When extracting history from ancient bones, look for evidence of heartbreak. How intense it is to have your guard up one day and the next to decide you’re going to do it, surrender into the unknown with another dancing skeleton - bone on bone it goes like this: passion then surrender, then merging…then loss and grief followed by….wisdom. Ohhh but not any kind of wisdom. Not the library wisdom, something more in the marrow, something that love can only do to you - a state of consciousness that cannot be achieved alone.
When we move toward what we really want, all our “stuff” will come up. All your doubts all your fears all your people pleasing issues, bouts of apathy or workaholism - all of it. To move towards what you really want in the world, is to take a hard look at all the maneuvers you make to prevent yourself from it. This is not an issue to stress over, its the natural art of becoming yourself. Taking big leaps is ego annihilating, to step into your power will scare the shit out of you. Let being scared be a natural symptom of moving towards it - its just your body knowing that you're about to do something important.