A gathering of artists, writers, makers and breakers looking to creatively experiment with astrology.

In this beginner to advanced astrology class, we discuss each other’s charts in tandem with our art practice, clear creative blocks and enhance a more balanced, full sense of ourselves. Every gathering includes a reading of your chart and ends with an astro-prompt to explore via our chosen creative medium: video, painting, writing, dance, performance, sculpture ~ We exhibit our artwork to each other at the start of every class ~ ending in a group show.

This is for those interested in expanding their astrological knowledge beyond books and observation and into the swirl of their creative spirit. This course is not only for your portfolio, but for your soul ~ and the ways in which they inform each other.


・゚✧ weekly 1:1 readings of your chart

・゚✧ weekly creative prompts inspired by your chart, a radical portfolio of new work.

・゚✧ A raw and profound astrological education

・゚✧ a wild, intimate community of other artists responding to your creative work

・゚✧ a final art exhibition

In this beginner to intermediate astrology class, we crack open different layers of our charts, clear creative blocks and gain hands-on astrological wisdom. Each participant investigates each planet through customized creative prompts. All levels of artist/non-artist welcome.

For artists looking to collaborate with the current movement of the stars via transits, progression and astrological talisman. Art as active participation in synchronicity. Art as time magic. Each participant investigates their personal transits through customized creative prompts.

*it is recommended you take SPACE CRAFT I before enrolling in II, though all are welcome. Space Craft II requires that you have a solid familiarity with the basics of astrology.

This is an 8-week course

plus a group show

live online





*I have occasional stress about reaching needs but are usually able to achieve them. I have housing stability. I have some debt but meet my basic needs. I take occasional trips with no financial burden.



*I am comfortable meeting basic needs, have access to savings, expendable income and take trips without financial burdens. I want to support those who can’t afford asking prices.



*I have occasional trouble meeting my basic needs or need government assistance. I rarely buy new items. It is hard to take a trip or time off without financial burden.

“I do not say that artists cannot be seers, inspired: that the awen cannot come upon them, and the god speak through them. Who would be an artist if they did not believe that that happens? If they did not know it happens, because they have felt the god within them use their tongue, their hands? Maybe only once, once in their lives. But once is enough.” - Ursula K. Le Guin