Video featuring:

Kelly Lloyd, Angelina Colon & Holly Hoover



ARIES: Nowpunk
TAURUS: Stonepunk
GEMINI: Elfpunk
CANCER: Lunarpunk
LEO: Rococopunk
VIRGO: Nanopunk
LIBRA: Cyberprep
SCORPIO: Cyber-noir
CAPRICORN: Clockpunk
AQUARIUS: Postcyberpunk
PISCES: Island Punk



At any given moment, if I'm not binge eating peanut butter or organizing blouses by zoom background color, there's not much else to do but obsess over invisible things: ghosts, repeated symbols, uncanny cellphone dings, all those dang people who dreamt about the Titanic before it sunk...

While stuck inside this bone-house of materiality, it’s easy to shrug off the life we’re living across dimensions. But with Jupiter conjunct Saturn on the solstice Dec 21, 2020 —we open to the intertwined timeline of a new consciousness. 

When Jupiter, the planet of growth thrums against Saturn, the planet of structure we call it the GREAT CONJUNCTION. The pairing only occurs every 20 years, and hops to different elements (earth, water, fire…) every 200 years, reckoning throughout history a long term social change. For the last 200 years, this superstar pairing has been happening in earth signs, creating a cult of money and materiality.
Yet, this month, we officially begin the era of AIR >> and not just any air sign, but the sci-fi queer-scape of Aquarius ~

Sure Biden isn't spelled B-o-w-i-e,
but Aquarius power is decentralized and humane, giving us the potential to clear distinctions between race, gender and power. Like a court jester with the license to speak the truth, Aquarius has extraordinary abilities for abstraction, viewing structures from above and reforming them into more freeing forms.
As EARTH shift to AIR, we drop a crow bar to pick up a cats cradle. Our efforts becomes pragmatically clever and experimental ~ and with Saturn additionally squaring the mad scientist Uranus all of 2021, whatever rigid paradigm we've been crystalized into will have to learn how to shatter.

Still..utopia ain't easy...these enormous possibilities will take enormous effort - after all, we are talking about Saturn here, the obstinate planet of time and hard work. But as we board this UFO, even the concept of "work" may float off into a hyperspace where money doesn't matter, where we're all invisibly entangled in some perpetual quantum-everything >> For instance, it would only make sense, that when Saturn - the planet of time, enters a sign that decentralizes power, why wouldn't it decentralize the concept of TIME ITSELF ?

In Time Loops by Eric Wargo — he argues that all vision is simply our future selves sending signals to our past selves — that is, all is precognition, a retroactive jolt of emotions felt from the future. That even though our awareness is tied to a singular instant, arranged by our five senses, we are in fact "thinking with" a wider swath..."in which case the brain really would be a kind of informational tesseract, a 4-D organ that extracts meaning from an otherwise noisy, but constant, informational reflux from the Not Yet.” 

When planning for the methodical growth ahead, what is your ideal “Not Yet” signaling to you?
How is your future history pulling at your present behavior and how is reading this right now, pulling at your ancestors ? With a visionary Sagittarius eclipse on Dec 14th, listen closely to the dings. Listen closely to the swath of consciousness spreading itself into everything that has ever happened and everything that ever will happen — including this moment, and the very first, smallest step into the liberated place you already know you’re going.

...and like that, 2020 is over.