Taurus New Moon
Officially Tuesday, May 7th at 8:21pm Pacific • 18º Taurus
If you've been feeling back and forth on something or scattered, this moon is a good re-set, a nudge towards change. Supported by Saturn, any quiet decisions that take root now may start to gain traction as the moon grows in fullness over the next few weeks. The astrology of May highlights themes from last months culture-shaking Jupiter/Uranus combo, yet now with the backing of Venus in Taurus, Mercury moving direct and Mars action-oriented in Aries.
A Moon in Taurus asks us: What would the world be like if we are all fed, all had the privilege of a regulated body ? How might I simplify my life by staying true to my values ? How can I be more patient with my healing/growth process, which is often slow and non-linear ?
This is a moment to drop into your body, move at the pace of your appetite and pursue those earth-bound pleasures that help you feel alive (taste, touch, smell, kiss tree...). This may especially feel true around May 17-18 when Jupiter is in the heart of the Sun, and again May 23rd - with a Sagittarius full moon highlighting a sensual Venus/Jupiter contact.
Eventually, the vibe will get more heady when Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25th. Gemini is a hyper-curious air sign that's full of multiplicities, offering an abundance of ideas and adventures to diversify your life. Jupiter will be connecting to the collective power of Pluto in Aquarius from May 25-29, blasting off communication hubs and amplifying the humanitarian agenda. Whatever gossip starts to spread at the end of May could provide prophecy for some imminent political and social change.
For now, let it be known that compared to the year we've had so far, this is a supportive month of astrology. If you can, take advantage....whether thats time to finally rest and recoup from intensities or a time to initiate, defend your values and take a risk - lean into the sweetness of your own sacred pace.
All repetition becomes unconscious. Anything practiced gets automatized and dumped into the subconscious mind so that the brain can use more energy to fight off lions. Because of this, our brains can feel anxious around new experiences and risks. Yet, once we try something enough, even just once - and make it more familiar, fears subside...we prove to ourselves we did not die and now our brain knows how to resource itself around it. Or as Helen Keller says: “Security is mostly a superstition...avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”
Stage magicians know - what’s happening out of sight is fundamental to what the eye thinks is being displayed. "ON stage" needs the threshold of "OFF stage" to delight their audiences. Not enough theater celebrates the curtain - the spot light lingering on velvet should be its own pageant. Give the curtain its stage time and rejoice in the private opportunity to button up a sleeve, settle your nervous system with a prayer. Take pleasure in the parts of life where no one is watching - the freedom of a body un-gazed and the gratifying contrast of emerging lit up and resourced.
No need to deflect or brush off compliments, clues and constructive criticism from others, no need to feel awkward about you're affect on the world. You have gotten enough information now about your growth edges, and enough internal fire to respond uniquely to the call. We often think we need proof to be convinced that where we want to go next is possible. But to make big changes and do extraordinary things >> you have to think in extraordinary ways. Develop the skill of believing something is possible that you haven’t ever done or been before — trust that the proof will appear as you become it.
We are drawn to people for specific reasons. Some say its all in the endocrine system, hormone to hormone fuel. Others say its a constant reenactment of confusing family stuff. Whatever mysterious thing it is, together-ing is a human reflex that has always existed and always will. I hope you are learning your taste and place within it, which can take on as many shapes, lovers, friends, therapists as the unconscious mind can hold. For the chemical clusterfuck of feeling drawn to another is often a subconscious hum from your psyche yearning to heal - and like it or not, you are built to heal.
There are three forms of street performance: circle shows, walk-by acts, and stoplight performances. "Circle shows" gather a crowd around them. They usually have a distinct beginning and end, controlling the crowd sometimes for hours. "Walk-by acts" are acts that do not have a distinct beginning or end, and the public usually watches for a brief time. "Stoplight performances" perform at crosswalks while the traffic lights are red, these are brief encounters. The point is this: what creative routines and tricks are you wanting to show the world and what container/amount of time and labor do you have available for it ?
When birds gather around your home, it can have a few different meanings. In some cultures, it's believed to be a sign of prosperity. Others attribute it to migration patterns or perhaps you are the intersection of food, water, rodents, an abundance of nest-worthy trees. Adolescents perch high, bumble around trying to learn how to fly. Sit and look out the window, take cues from the birds: What scene from your local environment makes it feel nest-worthy ? What ways can your home/inner-home feel anchored enough so that you can jump into life ?
While writing a book about flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi reached out to 275 artists asking if he could interview them about their creative process. Many declined or did not respond at all. Peter Drucker, expert of Oriental art wrote back..."I am afraid I have to disappoint you. I could not possibly answer your questions. I am told I am creative -- I don't know what that means...I just keep on plodding...and one secret of productivity is that I have a VERY BIG waste paper basket to take care of all invitations such as yours." I suppose what I want to say to you is this: you do not need to define why/how you do what you do in order to protect its flow.
Belonging happens in the body. Your nervous system either feels regulated with people or it doesn’t. Belonging can be learned and attained, oftentimes through consistency. Like separate metronomes learning how to match their clicks eventually, as long as we are willing to listen closely to each other, heartbeats co-heartbeat. Though, it’s not every time we will decide to add to the music - matching other people's energies isn’t always good. Consider where you want to harmonize and where you need to assert some discord. All communities yearn to learn a new liberated click.
What do they mean we have to differentiate ? What do they mean we have to love in equal parts passion and ambivalence ? Don’t they know that we were once an egg with no sense of time or separation ? Don’t they know that we came from INSIDE someone's body ? Don’t they know that when we fall in love, it turns us back into nucleus goo ?....and yet still, we are time-bound adults with sovereign destinies to follow...obsessing about each other until we have to go to work - until we are bored - until individual ideals for the future start to pull apart and a chord must be cut.
People are really into red or green flags. Yet, sometimes things are kinda weird, sometimes it's not totally clear if it's a perfectionist streak, a trauma response or a communication issue. If someones not texting you back right away, it can mean a million things - one possibility is that they really suck. Yet, some things take time and inner-processing to prove their true selves, some things are just a yellow flag...a connection to take slowly. Trust you'll sense when things get orange...bleeding into red, when caution tape needs to become a no trespassing sign - let time and experience tell you how available you are for the active work of relating.
As babies, playing peekaboo refines our motor skills and visual tracking, and helps us learn that people still exist when they aren’t around. Play is how we’re built to learn. It shows us how to think, negotiate, adapt to new rules and try again when things don’t go as planned. Don’t let all your urges and good ideas forget this essential ingredient. When we are in a true state of play - overthinking, imperfections and self-doubt aren’t a part of the vocabulary. When we are in true play we are open to wonder, open to anything happening at any moment - we let inspiration and motivation come and go, knowing that it still exists when it's not around.
Our culture loves to cultivate the assertive, competitive side of its nature, and repress the nurturant. Yet, one or the other pole on the spectrum is not more important than the other. It is possible to express the full range. This doesn't mean to be wishy-washy or neutral or some midpoint between two opposites. We might consider a mature personality to be someone who can move from one extreme to the other as the occasion calls for it. Perhaps its a delicate interplay between saying *yes and *no. Give yourself permission to be both aggressive and cooperative, with equal intensity and self-respect.