The Gemini Moon is growing full...
officially,Nov 27th at 1:16am Pacific 4º Gemini
This moon is a multi-tasking frenzy...stimulating yet restless. Gemini is a mentally active sign which spurs a lot of curiosity and conversation ~ yet, with Mars up against Saturn, acting on all our ideas may take extra effort - we may need to slow down and fact-check so that we don't skip essential steps. This is an invitation for a less impulsive perspective, instead of fidgeting onto the next move, lean into delays, stay for a few more breaths, go deeper into explaining what you actually want and why.
As we continue to process these precarious times of conflict, climate and work-life-world-tragedy balance, this moon reminds us how important it is to imagine...something better, and even more - to speak these spells out loud. Whether thats a dream for the collective or a personal resolution.
Speaking up about your ideals for the future, may help plan their actionable steps and hold you accountable to weave them into reality. I encourage you to have faith that there’s more coming, that instead of being stuck - choose to be in wonder. Wonder composts toxic cultural metaphors and makes them creative opportunities. Wonder gives us the confidence to keep exploring even when it’s unintelligible. My gemini wish is this: that even your subtlest urge for poetry and beauty helps balance out the tides.
The best way to make a decision is to assume you’ve made one already…just choose one of the options and start living your day as if. Bathe like you’ve decided, drive to work like you’ve decided, order lunch in the way a person who has made that decision would -- and see how that dimension moves you. The next day, try pretend-deciding the other option. As they say, can't solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that made it.
Philosophers call it the problem of other minds, or solipsism or ‘do people outside of me actually exist ?’ For all we know, these words you’re reading are coming from a bot or some email hallucination. We can barely know ourselves, how could we access to anyone else's inner life? But no need to make the universe so small. Instead, let the mysteries of others be an exciting avant-garde theater, where we’ll never get to know anyone because the lights are changing, the stage is spinning, the costumes are never the same color.
Nothing is original - saying this is not original, I think its from a Jim Jarmusch - who stole it from, Warhol ? Hermes ? I think he goes on to say something like: steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to."
You don't have to know the right words before they fall out. Drool and snot don’t have an agenda, they’re just needing to be the wild animal that they are, or as Bergson says "the soul tantalized, corrupted by the needs of the body." Some thoughts and ideas work this way, some language needs to happen like a sneeze - and you wouldn't question the validity of the dust in your nose. Dare to not know where a sentence will take you, trusting it will tantalize the soul - dare to test your theory out loud, to realize where it's wrong and readjust from there.
Misunderstandings are more the norm than the exception. Actually understanding each other and expressing ourselves clearly is a unique thing. Let this be a curious endeavor - not taking personally any of the ways the back and forth veers off into ups and downs and other strange angles. Not every interaction has to reach the substantial core of a truth - we can wallop naively holding hands, knowing that eventually what needs to be communicated will sprout up through the miraculous cracks of necessity.
All good ideas start out spinning - start out laughing too hard to finish the sentence, start out on the cliff of surrealism where you almost believe there's no bottom - jump and meet up with friends somewhere on the past or future timeline to deliver a punchline, spitting coca-cola out of your mouth, a spontaneous combustion, a big bang. A good idea starts out spinning in space until the waveform crashes into something that can exist outside of infinite potentiality. Let a good idea loose - grow your universe.
Money is a little piece of paper - money spreads like snow, or eyelashes from a weather-god. Money naturally loves to skedaddle, just try holding it down in one place, when theres rent to pay, a dog to feed or your throat starts to itch - you’ll see - because it goes in all directions, why not also receive it in this way - from this thing oe that thing, a variegated month of lotto ticket here, app ding there, paycheck in the mail here. Let yourself piece it together in an aggregate of stability.
You have done your part, you have played your hand and thrown the cards like a monsoon. You have dumped vast memory into a hot tub and soaking in it now...but then, suddenly a car alarm - because interruptions are important. Interruptions are prophecy, messages from trickster gods. Interruptions force us to to stop thinking about the past, until someone presses their keyless entry. If your skin is getting waterlogged and wrinkly from old memories, no need to panic, interruptions are standing by.
If you stay inside all day, you won’t overhear that woman ask if anyone has a lighter, smell the bbq from a backyard, or see the license plate spell out FIR35. If you stay inside all day, you miss essential run-ins and synchronicities, a text message from the changing winds. Easy to retreat into our private disengagements, a house plant never challenges your singing voice in the shower. Yet, the work you do in the world calls now for an interface - if even for a brief spark, a peek-a-boo or a moment for the wind to whip up your hair, expose yourself to the elements.
Asking for help is hard, it's nice to be in your own hero’s journey, problem solving, tying off bows without someone else finger. Even in yoga classes I scoff at the teacher telling everyone to grab blocks. But self-reliance is a myth, in a world that only exist by way of might you let others make life easier, prop you up, help you go bigger and amplify your dreams further. Without others, we may never learn to touch our toes or open unknown parts of the body. Some things are impossible to experience without a bolster.
When organizing your schedule and all the dibs and dabs - first block out parts of your calendar for “nothing.” Leave swaths of time off limits - don’t let “somethings” intrude your important “no time." Start with the nothing of rest, of a long drive to a place you can have a long walk, of drinking water slowly while watching a long movie. Designate parts of the day to be a cloud, to slowly pass by as the earth spins, even when you're doing nothing you make shapes that look like something. What we accomplish in this world is upheld and buffered by the in-between wisps of how we rest.
Bob Dylan was a folk singer or no, a protest singer - a poet or no, a writer, a rock star……icon - but also family man or no - a country singer, a born again christian turned media trickster turned underdog or outlaw or some overlap of clouds existing in a sky simultaneously. How might you let yourself be complex and chameleon-like or no, a metamorphosis of style, sound, physical appearance …continually present in whatever you do no matter what incarnations may be prevailing at the moment.