The Aquarius New Moon is about to be born.
Officially February 9th at 2:59pm Pacific at 20º Aquarius
“I am not touched by another when the distance between us is reduced to zero. I am touched only if I respond from my own center - that is, spontaneous, original.”
- James P. Carse
This moon helps us cut loose with the past and unlock bright ideas for the future. Pay attention to any lightbulb flash that helps you design your own rules to the game. Aquarius is concerned with the power of each individual to freely explore their say NO to conventional structures, especially if it impedes on the human right to be yourself.
This month, there is a pile up of planets in Aquarius passing over Pluto, activating collective awareness and dialogue around deeper social truths - probing, questioning and developing a vision for a more revolutionary future.
"Some things in this world I am proud to be maladjusted to…”
-Martin Luther King
Re-think your plans from a more eccentric, original perspective. Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn because it takes a lot of discipline to go against the grain, to hold your ground outside the bandwagon. Follow the urge to experiment with what you’re called to do in this world, no need to wait for society to catch up…
Be the beacon for those who have forgotten why we’ve all gathered - for those who are burnt out, confused, not sure if this is working. We are a network tangled in each other's rotations, if one gear is off the whole system accumulates its energetic, ambiguous loss. This may be a time where you are seeking to deepen the quality of your friendships or step it up in your role as a community member. There may be a piece to the pie that only your mind can bake together, everyone hovering as you make the first cut.
Close this email, shut the computer, turn off the lights and listen to the engine settle. Notice your mind without any input from external noise, opinions, concepts or advertisements. A mind following its own angelic shapes and sounds without having to dress them up for others. Notice the waste of resources it takes to apply jargon to your lips. Strip away the nonessentials, make it simple - discern the difference between distraction and hunches. Rejoice in this home, that is your mind-body nook, the grunts and moans of clear intuition.
Often, opportunities come down to the day to day gossip of telling others what makes you happy. If they are not aware that you like trimming trees, they will not think of you when they look out at their yard with branches blocking the sunset. This is vulnerable work, to show people your joy, to assert into the world the vision you see when you sit and think about your future. Once you pass this picture on into other peoples' minds, you might be surprised by how many branches you get wrapped in.
Our culture engages with their desires mostly through advertisements and porn. Much of our liberated selves are rife with repression or as Octavia Butler says: “there’s a genius in us that we learn early to deny.” I encourage you to investigate these places where you refrain from your creative/sexual flow, to fully project the green screen of your desires onto reality…whether that goes into baby making or singing in the shower. Every time you deny yourself a creative impulse, you are working for the oppressor - every time you trust a creative vision, your genius gets to stretch, even just a tad.
The language we use to describe our experience, matters. Ironically, the more crucial conversations we get into, the less likely we are to find the right words. When there is something important to communicate, our bodies do funny things - hair rises on our neck, adrenaline starts pumping into our arms and legs, leaving less blood flowing to the rational parts of our brain. Before responding to others, first respond to your body, and the primal ways it deals with high-stakes. Consider the power of pausing for your nervous system, long enough to find the right words.
Some people jump far across a map and adapt to different temperatures and seasonal allergies. Eventually, the gut flora also turns. Supposedly, you have more bacteria in common with the roommate you found off craigslist than you do with your parents a plane ride away. Our bodies are made up of what they press against most - we are creatures of locality, and so are guardian spirits. Notice the difference between asking the Universe in general for a sign vs. making an offering to a specific tree down the block, and the immediate glimmering of a leaf in the sun.
If you wanna know who someone really is, give them power. Once a belly is full, then what. Some get carried away by corruption because they value control, while others value co-existence. People forget that the Buddha started out as a Prince, that the non-material can be born out of abundance. Consider the ways your own power exposes what you value. Trust in your higher self, rest in the belly of your goodness as you take up more and more space. Power will not corrupt you - it will only amplify the values you already live by.
The greatest writers and artists once gathered in cafes, mingled in piazzas, a base from which they could share original ideas. Today, traffic jams, elevators or the break room water cooler are the modern places we huddle for togetherness. It's hard to know where your people are, when all we have are the in-betweens. How might you ask where everyone's going, wave out the window, question what floor or how many ounces - anything to strike up a potential exchange, a chance to linger at a point of togetherness.
Even if you’re not crazy about technology, technology is definitely crazy about you. Questions about the future of society are often met with the cult of progress. Yet, many feel that there are things much more important than burning their eyes into a our ecosystem in the ICU, your aching shoulders or the quality of social relationships. Don’t let scrolling on your phone obfuscate the other options for being in life. Instead, be explicit about your values, have conviction around what you give your bandwidth to, hour to hour, everyday.
The old family band sets the rhythm for all other kinds of music we play with others. No matter how off-beat we get from our origin story, family stuff has a way of coming back around, tapping a foot on the most sensitive spots. But enough time and wisdom has passed now for you to warm up to something else. Despite wherever you came from, there are infinite possibilities for being in relationship now - as the person who has learned new ways to turn up the heat of your handshakes and hugs to melt old fears.
Wealth and abundance comes in many shapes and sizes. That even if I am poor, I am rich in consciousness, rich in community, rich in connection to spirit and strike gold almost every time in knock knock jokes. This is to say, it’s okay to decide that you don’t want to make A TON of money, that you don’t need a million dollars to live a good life. Though it's nice to have the agency to make that decision, out of choice and not obligation. How might you aim for more personal power in your financial reality, to have enough to decide how much you need.
It’s a common tale. Prisoners sit in a cave and see a shadow of a book cast on the wall, carried behind them. A prisoner says “I see a book” but, what is he talking about? He thinks he is talking about a book, but really he is talking about a shadow. There is nothing wrong with naming things you can’t fully see - especially if you are not able to turn your head. The only mistake would be to think that the word “book” refers to something that you have actually seen. May you hold dear the realness that is just outside your periphery - for this is the beauty and sorrow of poetry.