CANCER FULL MOON…officially, Friday Jan 6th at 3:07pm Pacific
hiii welcome to 2023...a year to put to rest old selves and invite new priorities, new challenges, new games. We shake off the pressure of the past and shuffle the cards (maybe a couple times), a slew of major planetary shifts are on the way.
However, no need to hit the gravel running just yet. This full moon is asking us to ease into it, let resolutions be born out of stillness. A fertile stillness, like a baby in a crib musing over a rotating mobile. With Mars and Mercury still moving backwards in the sky - no need to rush into making the bed, first lay awake and reflect...oh the possible structures you will put into motion this year, oh the music it will play.
Gestate, be gentle...establish an anchor of self-care. Take this month to iron out your calendar, clear up unfinished business...the future awaits full swing.
Breifly, 2023 highlights:
Saturn will move into Pisces this March, fixing the posture of our sensitive side for the next three years.
A Pluto shift soon follows, after 15 years in Capricorn, it drops its cigarette to go briefly try vaping in Aquarius. It will hang out there until June, giving us a colossal puff of a collective shift that will play out in the next 20 leaves Capricorn for good in Jan 2024.
Jupiter in Aries continues jumping into new aspirations before sticking a landing in Taurus this May.
Eclipses will begin exposing our Aries/Libra side this Spring, with the nodes officially tumbling out of Taurus and Scorpio in July.
Additionally this summer, Venus retrograde gives us a lap dance in Leo :)
Enjoy your horoscope for the Cancer full moon :)
We see dogs do it all the time - this spinning search for the coziest plop, the hind legs crossing over and over before hitting the heart of rest. Comfort has aerodynamics, a soft spot formed by a structural curlicue, an invisible weaving of a shell. And with a healing *sigh* we settle, get quiet, process life, cry, remember. Doing great things in the world is near impossible without this private center, a nothing place, a meat and potatoes of familial affairs, a fullness of personal tones. Cross one leg over and over until you hit the spot.
If you don’t know what you’re wanting, you can let us decide. Curved sofas seem to be trending now...NFTS, luxury laundry rooms. Others will always give you options of ways your money could make you feel. Like asking the restaurant waiter "what's good here?" you want to eat what consensus values or do you want to eat what you enjoy the taste of ? All decisions are mini meals. What if before you did anything, you put your hand on your belly and asked: how will this feel inside of me, how will this settle in my stomach ? Perhaps your guts have a strong opinion, perhaps you know what really fills you up, perhaps it's time to point and drool at a personal item on the menu.
We all start out with that soft spot on our heads, we all need bones to collapse so we can fit through birth tunnels. Some say this spot is the umbilical cord to the other side. As we age the bones harden and disconnect. The mystical wholeness separated into day jobs and driving instructions, where magic is just for sleeping and dreaming. But our calendars are backwards, they got it all wrong. Sleep isn't for having the energy to is to have deeper sleep, to collapse some bones, to open the soft spot so we can get into a shape that fits into the other side.
If you’re going to perch up high, choose a fat tree or maybe a roof or a creviced ledge on a billboard. How to be in the air and also safe from weather, safe from predators, safe from fear. To be so visible, sing so loud and also dive for worms…to disappear into a private patch of dirt, swooping up with your mouth wide open, chewing and singing at the same time ! Show us what a mess it is to sustain the wins…to feel scared and do it anyways, to watch your ambitions grow because you keep feeding it, keep risking the deep plunge of failure, receding below the surface of yourself and the coming back up again, belly full of fresh grub.
Witnessing life with scarcity-eyes will only tighten your shoulders, rolly-polly you off into a husk. This world is designed to make it seem there is not enough to go around. Instead, what would it be like to purposely set aside parts of your resources, even just 1%, to go around ? One percent of your bread to pigeons, one percent of your water to flowers, one percent of your forgiveness to an enemy, a surprise cup of coffee for a friend. When we designate parts of ourselves just for giving away, we take the pressure off, we share a drop of blood and move on, we set aside something that waits to make magic, and one percent is 100% more than nothing.
There are some things you just don’t hesitate for, that you lunge towards with one brain cell. A glass of water when you’re thirsty or a book that's blowing your mind. But what about those incongruent things, those tasks that don't match the mood ? No need to sing a song thats not your vocal range. If you don't feel like doing a thing, if the body says no, barter it...give it away for someone else to do. If no one is around and the body says no, better it…eat chocolate while doing it. And if the sweetness is not enough, well then...walk away, don’t do it. The greatest service you can give to the world is the aliveness of what you don't hesitate for.
We do all kinds of boring stuff to feel legitimate, wear blank shirts to interviews, stand in line for hours at banks. Some even go away for years learning bone-dry facts for a stamped piece of paper. When planning the trajectory of your reputation and what ideas you wish to spread - think less about levels and certification. One must *know* not for permission, but because well, you just wanna know...because it feels right to know the world this way, to see life through this harmonic. Let your curiosities lead you to irrational places, let knowledge be food for the belly, not for thought.
A vessel can only contain so much before it overflows...spilling out into tributary's of emotional contact, seeking to see one's own feelings sloshing inside another's face. Sometimes we must drench the world in our mess to know who we are. Sometimes tenderness is to risk showing others we are an animal that needs more than we thought. Trust in this, that you can run out of stoic poses and still be a strong vessel. Trust your movement of emotion feeds rivers and smaller streams, held so tight in one direction for so long. Your vulnerability is a force, finally replenishing freshwater.
We’ve all sorta forgotten how to care, to send the text, to check in on each other. Our empathic muscles made performative, leaving the wounded left learning to forgive, to not take it personally…for your busy schedule, your own struggles and preoccupations. These days, we discover who our real friends are - who is willing to coordinate their needs with yours, or in the least - offer (and then offer again). Like water balloons, if we are unable to pass love back and forth with nuanced sensitivity, the world breaks, gets sloppy and chaotic. Here is our chance to hold each other carefully.
Sometimes wisdom leaves food on our porch and drives away. We look through the curtain of the front door to see it steaming, we decide - do I want that, will that feed me ? We already have the food we like inside, organized in nice pantries…yet still, we are hungry, yet still, we wonder - is there a new worldview to taste, a way of seeing that could be an ingredient for growth. We would have to go outside to know, open the door, sniff the air, look around, wave at neighbors - risk showing them that you don't know everything…that actually other people may be right. Actually, this is nourishing, actually this smells pretty good.
The trick to being interesting is to be interested. When your eyes look out from yourself, curious about other people..stuck piles of old leaves and mossy gunk loosen and the river becomes safer for wildlife, small animals build dens along the edge. Do not fear getting lost in an endless stream, each need of another forms a twisty subterranean tunnel back into yourself, into places you thought were dead ends, now made warm with witnesses. The universe is expanding rapidly because we are observing it, because we are interested.
Everything is a rhythm, finding coherence with your pulse, your breath the way you talk and tap your foot or the small bell that rings when you open the door to the candy store. Cha ching! The cash register. Ding ding, the phone. Your body is constantly whomping with vibrations and never is rhythm one sided - always a knock knock and a who’s there, the world waits for your punch line…an inside joke that only your color of paint can apply...and then from there...what else, from there...who knows. To be a creative force is to twist a familiar rhythm into something unknown, as Lou Reed says…“one chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you’re into jazz.”