hello friends, the Aquarius moon is growing full.
Like a party balloon tied to a table or gripped by the leash of its ribbon - some fun, exuberant things are more easily enjoyed when they are held down and secured. Other times, balloons look trapped…stuck in trees, hitting ceilings, when their nature is to fly. When does structure serve us and when do the rules hold us back from important chances to be whacky and free ? This month is a development of choices we've been precariously making for the past few years. If you're feeling trapped, remember: it's Leo season. Getting unstuck may start with taking your joy more seriously. Organize the parameters of your life around what lights you up, what celebrates your authenticity….your joy is the greatest gift you can give to social change.
Enjoy your horoscope :)
The revolution is community. It transcends money and status. Money is the least resourceful thing. When the world burns and food runs out, we cannot eat our money. Truly the only safe thing is community. Stability is having friends, and having friends is a slow, complex and sometimes painful process of being in time with others. Not everyone has the privilege of friends or easily contextualizes themselves into social relationships. The revolution is to overthrow your shyness, to find what you have in common with others. The revolution is to overthrow assumptions that individual agency is opposed to collective goals. It’s worth the time and effort to find your people. Finding your people is the counterpower.
Everyone has locked their gaze onto a square flashlight, scattered scrolling and triple-tasking. Studies show that even our phone turned upside down on a desk takes brain power away from work. A digital photo of a flower is now a long walk in the woods. As the boundaries between human and machine keep blurring, how might we make more contact with unmediated life ? I am not suggesting you grow hair in your ears and devote yourself to the cottage industry, but modernity has gotten sorta overkill. At some point, our mental health must gaze beyond all these false lights. Our wellbeing must remember what some old ways are for, and what parts of real life are worth maintaining.
Sure is nice to flit around while someone holds the string to your kite. But, in what ways does this anchor start to tug too hard ? In what ways does your flight burn the hands of your anchor ? As your personal calling goes through many changes and breakthroughs, beyond any cloud or length of string - you may realize that love can look like two people from different backgrounds, with different dreams and aspirations converging. There are some places you go that are impossible for others to come with. Not every single part of you will make sense or feel balanced with those you are closest to, and that’s okay. Loosen the grip, let it go altogether, or revel in the *tension* of a rope that pulls you as you climb, ensuring you do not fall very far when your ambitions need a rest.
We’ve all lost ourselves inside some wild behavior that an authority figure wanted to end. We’ve all been designated into the corner of the room, put in *time out* - a chair turned towards a wall...away from fun items, activities and people. Perhaps we’ve learned to replicate this mode of isolation, tamping down our creative impulses in order to not get in trouble. Yet, you are not a child anymore, no isolation or withdrawal of love needs to be forced onto you. Let the inner-parent trust in your lawlessness, in your vulnerability to be big, rough around the edges, crossing boundaries and making mistakes. Trust in your powers to self-regulate, resolve conflict and forgive. Trust that you can turn out from the wall and choose to bond instead.
What’s the difference between “I am lost” and “I am discovering what’s next” …? The way we organize language either closes or opens our nervous system. We all play little movies in our head with messed up titles…my favorite: “I Suck” or “This Won’t Work”...we loop and loop R-rated content and wonder why we feel like shit, as if it just came upon us for vague reasons. Our brains do not know the difference between real or imagined states. If the dark theater of our mind is playing a chase scene, the blood will rush to our hands and legs - our bodies prepare to run. Remember, you have the power to play a good movie, with a good soundtrack and a powerful lead. Remember your brain wants to have a purpose. Remember to give your brain a positive purpose, and to watch that movie until the blood rushes to your hands.
For a successful demolition, one must consider the structural blueprint of how you are built. One must identify the main components of a personality and determine what areas are keeping you hidden and need to be blasted away. The whole building doesn’t have to crumble, not everything has to go - yet some old corridors are no longer integral to the vital force that lives inside. This doesn’t mean that the brick, metal and concrete of where you've come from can’t be recycled, blending the old with the new. But some core emotional habits or negative beliefs about yourself are hankering for something dramatic. A simple redecoration is not enough, dare to make those thoughtful, yet whacky changes. The labor of matching the facade with the dimensions inside, is worth the mess of being you.
We’ve seen it in cartoons, a character is chased off the edge of a cliff…moving so fast, they defy the laws of gravity and run suspended mid-air. Likewise, we can sometimes feel chased by time. Chased by social pressure, chased by achievement, we find a void that has no footing. Sometimes only mid-air do we realize that the rules are all made up and its time to get clever. Sometimes dropping off the face of the earth is the most productive thing to do. All genius starts with making unpopular decisions and destroying a social norm. All genius can first sound like a descending slide whistle. All genius emerges from a dust cloud reconfigured as the truth. Do not fear what’s after the average edge, a clever world is beyond it..
Somewhere at sometime we have all pricked a finger, sliced a palm, used it to sign a document or bled out into a shared vessel of wine. Sometimes we enter blood pacts with gusto, willing to incur any consequence legally or supernaturally. Loyalty can help us feel less alone, a forever friend and affiliation, a forever community door step. Yet, why is it sometimes we can feel most alone next to a lover or surrounded by a group of good friends ? Intimacy is a movable force that cannot be manufactured, after all, the nature of blood is to circulate. It’s okay to break old vows, it’s okay to dispose of what no longer pulls you, especially with old parts within yourself…everywhere you go, more vessels of wine, new blood.
The wisdom you’ve been carrying around has reached a threshold of boredom - the word “reality” now featuring a perpetual question mark “?” …your methods have played themselves out and new rituals are waiting for you. What you thought was working may be an unsustainable design flaw and it’s time to take inventory…how do your everyday habits layer up on each other to become your life ? If we stare at a screen all day, eventually you layer up into a pale creature of the night, eventually your hormones cringe, your brains spill out your eyes. How to open your eyes in the morning without brains getting everywhere? How you decide to use your time ends up becoming your philosophy on living. To update your schedule, one must update the meaning of life.
Wherever we go, wherever we live, whatever blanket we sit under is an attempt to get back into the womb…to hear a caretaker’s heartbeat. We search all our lives to re-align to this drum - to connect a chord to a rhythm of safety. The home you choose to live out of sets your pulse, every piece of land has a rhythm. We learn to find the places and people that sing with us. We also learn ways our rhythm might be off, discordant or even tone deaf…where familial trauma has passed us the mic. To learn new music, we must learn to invent and improvise on our own - we must let our pulse get interrupted by outside forces. To learn new music, we must fall in love with someone else’s song and oscillate together. You are pumping new sound waves into old shivering places.
A lot of what we budget for is a spell that’s been casted by zombies. An immersive commercial for cherry red cars, steak frites or getting your MFA. We all mindlessly drool our way towards the promise of materials. We work up an enormous appetite for this or that, and then once it belongs to us - it becomes a responsibility (or worse, clutter). Once we have it, the perpetual sense of insufficiency jumps to the next thing. How might you tune your desires towards what actually sparks your joy and away from some sense of inadequacy ? How might you eliminate the bullshit of should's and have-to’s so that your basic survival is of service to your own self-respect ? Consider this: if no one was looking or would ever know about what you do or how much you make…what path would you take, what *stuff* would you have around you? Commit to defining your own self worth or risk a life lived under a zombie value system.
Some parts of us are so abstract, we hear ourselves talk about it as if we are talking down a tunnel. Only reverberations of our essence reach the outside. Sometimes we are small, secretive creatures, only feeding at night. Sometimes we feel cornered inside ourselves, like a bird that flew in through some window. Sometimes we freak out and forget we can turn around and exit where we entered. But perhaps deep down we know, we like it here. Perhaps deep down we know there are a million other ways to leave...a million entrance and exit holes that harbor new exciting experiences. What bliss, to not backtrack when we get scared. What bliss to slow down in the dark, to learn the sharp angles and curves of the tunnel we talk down. Have you ever listened to anything so closely?