sisterbride astrology

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Astrology of Jan 2021

I used to run track, I used to wear a stop watch,
I used to crouch and wait for a starter pistol bang. 

As we drip with sweat, still gripping the hollow 2020 baton - we enter the new year less with a bang and more with a shriek from everyone’s racist uncle. Chanting “false start” as they storm the field, referee officials passively watching in the bleachers.
With Mercury making several stressful squares to Mars the next few months, nonsensical shrieking may become a national anthem.

This is especially true as Mars approaches Uranus in Taurus on Jan 20th (yes, inauguration day). Uranus the planet of revolution, Mars the spicy planet of aggression, Taurus the sign of hamburgers and blankets  >> our food may roll, our house rugs may rip — our normal creature comforts humming like a battery activated barbecue.

The Leo full moon on Jan 28th, will only highlight this collective spark. We may find ourselves sparring for attention, fast and harsh — though the steady Saturn clock perpetually ticks >> like a rubber band snapping before returning to its original shape, is there a way to stay solid while stretching our possibilities ? Is there a way to apply force without breaking ? 

As we test the flexibility of our coldest muscles, of all the standardized measurements and stats in our society and psyche - we find freedom in the willingness to move, to be uncomfortable, to have hard conversations, to try things differently >>

No one believed you could run a mile in less than four minutes, the four-minute barrier stood for decades - until SOMEBODY DID IT (hello Georgia), and then immediately, other's did it too. What seems out of reach, may be a matter of breaking through the stubborn comfort of a made-up limitation.

Revolution is here, change is imminent - welcome to 2021.


Logical debate fallacies for your rising sign >>
"Logical fallacies are like landmines; easy to overlook until you find them the hard way"

ARIES: Fallacy of Sunk Costs
TAURUS: Tu Quoque
GEMINI: Straw Man
CANCER: Bandwagon Fallacy
LEO: Appeal of Authority
VIRGO: Appeal of Ignorance
LIBRA: Ad Hominem
SCORPIO: False Dichotomy
SAGITTARIUS: Circular Argument
CAPRICORN: Slippery Slope
AQUARIUS: Appeal to Pity
PISCES: Red Harring Fallacy

*horoscopes derived from this great list here