I took a trip to the east coast and saw my entire family, including the hunched over spook of my dead grandmother. I slept in closets, couches, air beds, pull-outs and survived mostly on iterations of pizza. I was constantly moving on buses and trains, keeping pace with my gemini boredom for things that last more than four days.
Yet, there were moments to pause, especially while staying at a buddhist monastery upstate NY where I indulged in uninterrupted time with my (turns out, horrifying) mind and made friends with the resident monks.
These monks rigorously meditate, they don't even have beds in their room ~ they sit up meditating on the hardwood floor through the night in a yogic sleep. They only take "breaks" to socialize over meals that are beckoned by a bell. It sounds extreme but they were exceptional people and I developed a strong connection to them through deep conversation and unexplained smiling.
But when it was time to say goodbye, they became insulated with hermetic restraint ~ my new, non-attachment best friends barely batting an eye, returning to their private devotions. And the part of me that devours monogamy and takes twelve years to get over high school boyfriends, died a little on that train ride away.
I was lucky to arrive immediately after to a wedding in Western NY where all the stoicism became a garbage fire of attachment styles. I was unhinged at the wedding party, dancing myself blind and suctioning around others in some kind of puppy litter of wedding guests. I laughed maniacally and made false promises to cousins of the bride and I would feel embarrassed about it if it wasn't so true to the astrology this month ~
We are having a baton pass from hermit-like perfection to the sweetness and charm of a hungry socialite. This is the shift from Virgo to Libra, wafting from criticality to congeniality like the small bouts of air conditioning tapering off the summer. An overactive imagination is in high tide, too, though with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, any delusions must cross a gritty path of truth and substance. If we can accurately digest both fantasy and fact, we are likely to find our own form of yogic sleep, a beautiful dream state while being upright and centered.